Yeah! Today ELI helps me to move from loft to the new dorm.

ELI is English Learning Institution where Mr. Gill is working there, too.
In fact, the whole idea to help me out is also his suggestion! How nice he was...
The new dorm I'm gonna stay for one year is Sierra Hall which is sooo tiny that I'll show you guys when my notebook back!

I've made some new friends,too!
However it's just few people I met in Orientation. They come from Taiwan, Japan, China and Turkey, blah, blah...
It's just accquendances...
My roommate hasn't show up yet
hopefully is a good one. (It will be!)
My useing time is running out
so I guess that all about my life so far

see ya :D
    創作者 ailsakim1988 的頭像

    In This Enchanted World II

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