There are couple questions I'd like to ask myself, and maybe you'll be interested to know a little more about me

Q1. 如果可以選擇, 你想要當哪裡人?為什麼?

I never really thought about it thoroughly, but I think I would like to be an American (from Cali or a southern girl (from Texas maybe) based on this question. I just oddly can speak American accent ever since I learnt English as my second language. And once again, I didn't aware all those till people keeping telling me 'you have American accent!' It doesn't bother me of what kind of accents I'm having when I was a kid. I didn't try to mimic it on purpose.
I like US culture and by that means I like all the pros and cons from that culture. I'm passionate, out-going, silly, lazy sometimes and have emotional crisis (outbreak) sometimes. I'm not that kind oppressive girls and I'm straight to the points who likes to follow my heart. I definitely love Chinese culture, but I don't know somehow I didn't bear them with me at all. I haven't go to other countries yet I'm pretty sure I'm more like western style in every way of my life.
And check all those sentences you just read, aren't them look like causal foreigners conversations? right?

Q2. 你有口頭禪嗎?(任何語言或髒話都可以)

Recently my catch phrase or the most frequent word is 'OUI' and that could due to I've learnt French for more than half year. Usually I said my catch phrase unconsciously (yea, that's why it's a phrase for people to catch/imitate you quick, isn't it?) and I got told once that my catch phrase is "or something" which I think it's kinda cute,ha.
I will say like 'do you want to go out or something?' And you could apply it to many different level of questions, just add them in the end of sentences and voila! Other frequent words I said probably would be 'yea' either in normal tone or with a question mark. As for Chinese, it would be '夭壽'or '靠' at least that what I can think of. But there are highly chances I could just say words without consciousness, you never know.

Q3. 你最喜歡的顏色是?

Creamy yellow! But I feel like a little brain-washed when I was kid, all the books say as a Leo I should like yellow. I don't really like bright, bright yellow though. I like grass green, sky light blue, Turkish blue and mysterious purple as well.
Recently I also like pink stuff, from light pink to hot pink, and I guess I just like them coz I'm in a relationship. It's kinda like girls will crave sweets when their period's coming, that kind of situation for me.

Q4. 有任何事情是想讓男友知道但可能不會說出口的嗎?

Personally, I think I'm a pretty candid girl. If he asks me anything I will tell him all, nothing to keep behind. The only thing would be I'm like only telling the good news and hiding the bad ones. I tend to tell partially good and try not let him worry about me/ my life. I consider myself as a mysterious girl sometimes. It means I won't tell everything happen around me unless people ask. Even if they ask, I won't tell them the total situation (well, it depends on who I'm talking to).
I will say just be patient and pay a little more attention about my feelings/ emotion changes. I'm really sensitive in every way so sometimes it could a pain in the axs for guys.

Q5. 有什麼事情可以使你擁有好心情呢?

I'm crazy about snacks! But unfortunately my body and my tooth won't allow me to eat them all the time, I just have snacks sometimes. (but I eat them A LOT when I'm really down, like those crazy sad women in movies, yea..terrible I know)
I love to wear dress and heels! All those feminine dress-up things can make me feel happy. Before I had my date now, I don't really know I'm a feminine-kind of girl. And up to I remember so far, I only wore jeans once in my date. And that's because I think I may need to help him to carry some stuff, kinda can't wear dress, skirt or short to do it.
I love to have wear accessories a lot, too! I love necklaces, rings and perfumes and body lotions! I found out those incredible flavored lotion when I was in US and I just fell in love with them! Those stores are like candy shops for ladies! Plus the ladies in those stores are always nice and kind, not like in Taiwan..ha, but I think it's true!
I don't have ear piercings and I don't know would I have it in the future either. But sometimes I'm just happy about I don't have to spend extra money on earrings, if I had piercings, I will sure spend more money on my accessories,ha.

yea, that's it so far!
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    In This Enchanted World II

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